Share our survey to help us learn more about the needs of Black moms and birthing people.

Help us learn more about the association between stress and preterm birth in Black communities.

Infants born preterm have higher rates of death and disability. Through the CHC: Creating Healthier Communities partnership with Elevance Health Foundation, we’re working to address the effects of stress, racism, and unmet social determinants of health and decrease the incidence of preterm birth among Black women and birthing people. You can help.

Black women are 3 times more likely to die from pregnancy related causes compared to white women in the U.S. Further, Black women are about 50% more likely to deliver a premature baby. These high preterm birth rates cannot simply be explained by socioeconomic factors.

Are you in California, Colorado, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Virginia, the District of Columbia or Wisconsin? Share this survey 

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