Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol


Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol If you’re diagnosed with hyperlipidemia, your overall health and known risks (such as smoking or high blood pressure) will help guide treatment. The good news is, high cholesterol can be lowered, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Often, changing behaviors [...]

9Health E-Tools


9Health E-Tools Here you’ll find virtual prevention tools to empower you to own your health throughout the year. These health programs and apps were carefully selected to ensure they are credible and evidenced-based. Don’t see something you would want? Make sure to check back often as [...]

Patient Education and Support


Patient Education and Health The Patient Education Program at National Jewish Health provides many free educational opportunities and support groups to assist patients and caregivers with managing illnesses and chronic conditions. Attend adult and pediatric education classes, watch health videos, and download free patient education materials. View Resource [...]

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