Paula’s Story: Alzheimer’s

2018-02-20T19:37:10-05:00August 21, 2017|Charity Partner Impact, Our Impact|

Latinos and women are among the populations disproportionately affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Paula Meza falls into both demographics, however, she was unfamiliar with Alzheimer’s until her mother, Hermina, was diagnosed. Hermina’s extensive medical needs in addition to working full time and being a student, quickly overwhelmed Paula. Paula began to feel desperate and unfit to [...]

Nevaeh Dives into a Seriously Fun Summer

2017-08-14T10:16:00-04:00March 26, 2017|Charity Partner Impact, Our Impact|

At SeriousFun camps, children living with serious illnesses get to experience many firsts. For eight-year-old Nevaeh, who attended Transplant Week at North Star Reach in Michigan, it was her first time to ever swim in a lake. On the first day of camp, when she first touched the water, she was timid and scared. Two days later, she was [...]

Maxwell’s Story

2019-07-19T01:24:56-04:00January 31, 2017|Charity Partner Impact, Our Impact|

Maxwell was diagnosed before birth with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), a birth defect where the left-side of the heart is underdeveloped, affecting normal blood flow. It can be fatal if untreated. Maxwell’s prenatal diagnosis gave his parents the chance to meet with cardiologists and surgeons and intervene early. After birth, he remained hospitalized on a feeding [...]

Dale’s Story

2019-09-07T20:37:48-04:00November 14, 2016|Charity Partner Impact, Our Impact|

Iraq War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Dale Beatty remembers the day his life changed forever. On November 15, 2004, Dale was injured when an IED explosion flipped his Humvee, causing him to lose both legs. “It’s amazing how clear everything becomes when you think your next breath could be your last,” Dale said. Thanks to Fisher [...]

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