Launch Your Workplace Giving Campaign: A Timeline

Plan and launch a successful workplace giving campaign using this timeline. 

PRE-CAMPAIGN: 4 to 6 Weeks Before Campaign Kick Off (Plan for Greater Impact) 
  • Map out your campaign strategy and create a campaign plan. 
  • Select Campaign leadership like a Campaign Coordinator, Communications Lead, Campaign Chair, and Payroll Coordinator. 
  • Analyze past results, set campaign dollar and participation goals. 
  • Get company and campaign leadership team commitment towards goals. 
  • Encourage leadership to supply an employee match to encourage participation in the campaign. 
  • Begin to ask for pacesetters: company leaders who will “set the pace” for the campaign by pledging early. 
  • Conduct department coordinator training. 
  • Begin weekly campaign planning meetings with campaign team and department coordinators. 
  • Finalize theme, events, marketing materials, volunteer activities, and communication timeline.  
CAMPAIGN: 1 Week to 1 Month (Build Excitement, Educate Employees, and Empower Action) 
  • Invite CHC: Creating Healthier Communities to your events. 
  • Conduct leadership (CEO & senior management) giving meetings, to show support for the campaign and to set the pace. 
  • Encourage department coordinators to talk about the campaign and giving options to employees. 
  • Use our Purpose Platform with automated email reminders and online pledging. 
  • Promote your special events and activities. 
POST-CAMPAIGN: 1 Week (Celebrate Your Success) 
  • Announce results at celebratory event and interoffice email. Let everyone know the impact you all made together. 
  • Personally thank campaign committee and employees with an event, email, or letter. 
  • Debrief with your dedicated CHC: Creating Healthier Communities representative. 
  • Finalize campaign reports including payroll pledge payment schedule. 
  • Post campaign results on company’s social media and website. Be sure to tag us @chcimpact 
  • Coordinate year-round engagement activities for employees to stay connected to the causes that matter most.  

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Engagement Solutions

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2024-05-28T16:07:30-04:00May 28, 2024|Blog, Campaign Planning|

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