
Greater Twin Cities Conversations

Let's Continue the Conversation!

Thanks for joining the Greater Twin Cities convening on March 4, 2021. Our goal is to continue the conversation in the Greater Twin Cities.

Please ask questions and post how your organization is continuing the work in the discussion section below.


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Event Recap

As the premiere for CHC’s #ForHealthEquity Giving Day on March 11, leaders from UnitedHealth Group, UCare, HealthPartners, MEDICA Foundation, Liberty Diversified International, ASTCA, and the Minnesota Department of Health gathered with top corporations and nonprofits for a Greater Twin Cities Virtual Convening on health equity.

In her keynote, Dr. Sandra Nichols, UnitedHealth Group, explained health equity is not only a moral imperative, but if left unaddressed, health disparity costs are projected to reach over $50 billion in 2050. That same year, minorities are expected to comprise the majority of the U.S. population. To tackle these challenges, we must address the factors that adversely affect health—the Social Determinants of Health.

After the keynote, panelists Toweya Brown-Ochs, HealthPartners; Pleasant Radford Jr., UCare; and Amy Maheswaran Lopez, Minnesota Department of Health; along with moderator John Stanoch, CHC and MEDICA Foundation Board Member; held a lively discussion on health equity at the community level.

Finally, participants explored opportunities and next steps in breakout rooms led by JoAnn Birkholz, MEDICA Foundation; Camille Pearson Walz, Liberty Diversified International; and Angie Dahl, ASTCT and CHC Board Member.

Watch the recording, plus check out the #ForHealthEquity campaign landing page to learn more, or read our recent piece, Championing Health Equity for Black History Month.

What You Can Do

Spread the word.

Make a corporate donation.

Start an employee giving campaign.

Engage your employees to come together as a collective force for good. Maximize your impact by offering a corporate match for donations made by employees on CHC Giving Day.

Special thanks:

Get your stakeholders involved and excited to be a part of this movement! Consider setting up a point-of-purchase donation call to action, personalized email outreach to vendors, or a social media fundraiser.

We couldn’t do this important work without partners like MEDICA Foundation. Thank you for all you do to advance health and well-being.

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Greater Twin Cities Conversations