Living Lumpy: My Cancer Diagnosis Story

2019-10-16T02:35:17-04:00October 5, 2017|Blog|

Living Lumpy: My Cancer Diagnosis Story In November of 2005, I discovered two sore, achy lumps under my left arm. The doctor saw me within a day, told me he didn’t like the look of the lumps, and asked that I arrange for a biopsy. My first “uh-oh” moment came when my doctor informed me [...]

Have we created a culture of bullies?

2017-10-04T17:21:45-04:00October 4, 2017|Blog|

Eight-year-old Gabriel Taye hanged himself with a necktie earlier this year. A few days before this little boy took his own life, school video footage shows a classmate hurling Gabriel into the bathroom wall where the third grader was knocked unconscious. He laid on the floor for more than five minutes while multiple students walked by – some even poked [...]

Michael Foods Involves Employees From Start to Finish

2017-10-13T20:23:36-04:00October 4, 2017|Company Partner Impact, Our Impact|

How do you get your employees involved in workplace giving campaigns? Michael Foods does it by having them involved in the planning process from start to finish. Michael Foods is a seasoned Community Health Charities partner. They’ve found that their campaigns raise the most funds when employees join committees to handle campaign communication, monitor pledging, organize kick-off [...]

Stop, collaborate, and listen.

2019-10-16T02:36:52-04:00October 3, 2017|Blog|

Stop, collaborate, and listen. Vanilla Ice had the right idea—are you listening to your employees? Employers are creating wellness programs designed to improve the health of their employees. The programs revolve around improving employee health and can include anything from fitness challenges to rewarding regular doctor visits. With a broad range of options, it’s important [...]

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